The Sempre Conference Awards
Awards totaling up to £20,000 biennially

Purpose of the Award

The Sempre Conference Awards are intended to enable full-time students or part-timers who are non wage earners to attend one of the Society's conferences -particularly the biennial two-day conference- through meeting the fee and the costs of travel and subsistence.


The Sempre Conference Awards are open to full-time and part-time students as well as unwaged delegates who have been accepted to give a spoken or poster presentation at one of the Society's conferences (including those events in association with Sempre).


Applications can only be accepted from students and unwaged delegates (see eligibility above) who have been selected by the conference organising committee to give a presentation (spoken or poster). The status of the applicant (as full-time/part-time/unwaged) as well as the HDI rating of the applicant's country of residence will be taken into account by the Sempre Awards Panel. Applications will also be judged according to the importance of attendance at the conference for furthering the studies of the student or delegate concerned, and the likelihood of the applicant being unable to obtain funding from other sources.


Applicants should apply to present a paper or poster to the conference concerned in the usual way and, if successful in being selected to present at the event, should complete an official application form circulated either by the conference organiser or by the Sempre Conference Secretary. The conference organiser should notify delegates about the deadline for applications, which is normally at least eight weeks in advance of the event, and the person to whom applications should be sent. All applications will then be processed via the Sempre Conference Secretary and considered by the Sempre Awards Panel. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the conference organiser or Sempre Conference Secretary. The decision of the panel is final, and the Society regrets that it is unable to enter into any correspondence regarding its decision. Each application is treated individually according to the eligibility and criteria above. Previous applicants are not precluded from applying.

Further information

For further information, please contact the Chair, Professor Graham Welch, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, United Kingdom. Tel: +44(0)20-7612 6550. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Feedback from award recipients

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