General information about conferences
Sempre conferences
Sempre runs a series of one- and two-day conferences at higher-education institutions across the UK that cover a range of themes in music education and psychology research. Normally, two one-day conferences are held each year in Autumn (September/October) and Spring (March/April) with a two-day international conference taking place every other year in the Spring slot. These events are arranged by the Sempre Conference Secretaries in collaboration with local organisers from the hosting institution. In addition to helping to publicise the event, Sempre is able to provide some financial support in the form of Conference Awards and limited funding for administrative support (subject to a clear business case being presented to the Sempre Committee). If you would be interested in hosting a Sempre Conference, please see the information on ‘Hosting a Sempre Conference’
Events in association with Sempre
If you are running your own conference, either within the UK or elsewhere, you may be eligible to apply for support from Sempre as an ‘Event in association with Sempre’. Sempre offers awards to support delegates attending conferences in order to assist them with their research endeavour. In this way, Sempre provides support to major and smaller conferences run by other societies and research communities as a formal association is established. Further details are provided here.
FREE Sempre Membership Offer
Sempre is currently offering FREE membership for one year to non-members who attend a Sempre conference (NB. this does not include conferences 'in association with Sempre'). To take advantage of this offer, please download the FREE Membership Registration Form after you have attended a Sempre conference and email it to the Sempre Administrator. Please note: the FREE membership offer is strictly limited to one year per person and does not entitle you to members' discounts for registration at the conferences you attend during your free membership year. Applications will not be accepted in advance of conferences; forms will be accepted for up to 6 months only after the date of the conference. The offer applies to delegates who attend the main Sempre conferences as detailed on the website, not the events 'in association with' Sempre.
Conference Evaluation
For delegates who have attended a recent Sempre Conference, it would be helpful to receive your feedback about the event. Please complete a Sempre Conference Evaluation form and email it to the Sempre Conference Secretary as soon as possible after the event. Thank you.
Sempre Environmental Policy
Sempre has composed an Environmental Policy Document. This policy is intended to inform conference organisers of SEMPRE’s position regarding environmental concerns. It also outlines the environmental responsibilities of those organising or hosting SEMPRE Conferences or Conferences in Association with SEMPRE.
SEMPRE recognises the intrinsic value of researchers meeting together to share research at conferences, and more specifically, the value of doing so face-to-face. The current climate crisis, however, demands a response from every individual, and requires changes in behaviour and established practices to minimise the adverse effects of sharing research. Accessibility should be maintained for those with disabilities who are unable to adapt to some of these changes; other changes will help facilitate equal access.
You can download the document here: Environmental Policy Document