Researching Music - Education - Technology (MET2016)
Conference Information
14–15 March 2016
- #MET2016
- venue: Senate House, University of London (Woburn Suite and Room G21A)
- chairs: Dr Evangelos Himonides, UCL & Dr Andrew King, University of Hull
A big THANK YOU to all authors, presenters and participants
MET2016 Programme
a permalink to the programme:
A message from conference co-chair and editor of the Journal of Music, Technology and Education (JMTE), Dr Andrew King
Dear Colleagues,
It was great to see so many of you at the conference at Senate House
and listen to a number of very interesting research papers. Evangelos
and I are considering putting together a special issue of The Journal
of Music, Technology and Education to feature the work of the
conference. More details of our journal can be found here:,id=152/
We expect full papers to be between 5-8k words, and position papers around 4k words. Information about style and image guides can be found on our publisher website (above) and also information about abstracting and indexing. All papers are reviewed anonymously by two academics of international standing.
At this stage I am asking for expressions of interest to be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I would expect the timeline for this special issue to include full versions of papers to be submitted in June/July this year.
Best wishes,
Dr Andrew King
Director of Learning and Teaching
Editor of Music, Technology & Education
School of Drama, Music and Screen
University of Hull
Hull, HU6 7RX, UK
Tel; +44 (0) 1482 465370
Email;This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Keynote Speakers
- Professor Raymond MacDonald, Head of Reid School of Music, The University of Edinburgh,
with Dr Adam Linson, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, The University of Edinburgh
Raymond and Adam will be performing live on that same day, later in the evening, at the IKLECTIK art-club. - Professor Aaron Williamon, Head of the Centre for Performance Science, Royal College of Music
Q&A session
We are delighted to report that Paul White and Hugh Robjohns from Sound on Sound magazine offered a Q&A session during which conference participants were able to discuss various issues related to Music Technology, the industry, equipment, installation, production, as well as education.
Information regarding book of proceedings
The revised book of proceedings is being now being finalised. All authors will be notified once it becomes available.
Special workshop with Roshi Nasehi
Many thanks and appreciation go the brilliant artist Roshi Nasehi, who concluded the MET2016 with her very accessible and exciting style, and offered a window into her exciting work. As promised, Roshi has offered some links that MET2016 might find useful.
A few links from Roshi
- A link to Spidersonics which my colleagues Simon Katan and Duncan Chapman were involved in:
- My colleague Graham Dowdall's iPad app research:
- This is the VE20 vocal processor I use:
- Case study of the residency in Cherry Trees School in Bow:
- Case study of Kuwait Commission: